Sharing the Free Gift of God Today

If you are reading this page is because you wish to Share Jesus.  Praise the Lord because it is He who works through us.  We can boldly say that we “can do all things through Christ who strengthens” us.  Philippians 4:13  Moses was a very poor speaker.  In spite of it, God used him for His purposes.

We know that if all Christians chose not to share Jesus with the world, God could send talking donkeys to do it.  Numbers 22:28  God doesn’t need us to share His Word.  It is our privilege to be used by Him.

When I share the Scriptures with someone, I like to think that I’m just the legs for the Bible.  It is His Word that will speak to their hearts – even if they refuse to receive Him.  The fact that we believe is a miracle.  Let us pray that God will have mercy by blessing them with the gift of faith.  There is no sales quota because we can't produce the results. It is God who brings the harvest of saved souls.

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
 Isaiah 55:11  NKJV

The first step in Sharing Jesus is prayer.  We don’t want to be evangelists for our own bragging rights at church or to score points with God.  It is the love of God flowing through us that should compel us to Share Jesus.

I called a prayer line.  After we prayed, the man asked:  “What three problems do you see in your community?”  I answered that, “We don’t pray enough.  We don’t love enough.  And perhaps because of those two, it is so easy to be undercover believers.”  I should know because I was one for about 25 years.  But because of the love of God, I’m now praying for daily divine appointments to Share Jesus.  You can too.

As you continue reading, you will learn a very easy way to effectively Share Jesus.  If you think that you would be afraid to share, that’s great!  God is glorified through our weaknesses.  Someone might ask you some “If” questions that you cannot answer.  I usually respond, “Look at me.  What am I or who am I to define God?  Let’s read what He says about Himself.”  Then it is easy to go to the Scriptures.

Pray that the Lord will guide your thoughts, words, and actions so that He will be glorified through you.  You are His ambassador.  He is the only one that can equip you and empower you to represent Him.  If the love of God drives you to Share Jesus, you can trust Him to help you do it.  Simply surrender to His will.  He is Wonderful.

Easy steps in sharing The Free Gift of God:

      1. Pray for divine appointments

      3. Ask a simple question:  You can be really interested in people if you look at them from God’s point of view.  I asked two women if they minded telling me why they were dressed that way.  One of them said, “No.  We are Buddhist nuns.”  She told me that it was okay for me to sit down with them.  We had a brief conversation which led to the Scriptures.  She was amazed as she read.  The Lord was working on her heart because I asked if it was clear.  She said, “Yes.  It is.”  She read some more Scriptures and then with the excitement of discovery asked, “What book is this?”  I showed her, “It is the Bible.”  Her friend stopped our conversation that day.  But I’m still praying for Le.  I pray that He will send someone else to Share Jesus with her.  She didn’t receive Him that day.  But I didn’t fail.  The Word of God was proclaimed to someone that apparently had never heard anything about the Bible.

      5. Up until now, I have been asking, “Would you mind if I ask you a personal question?”  I can’t remember anyone not saying something along these lines, “No.  Go ahead.”  You then can ask, “Do you have any spiritual beliefs?”  Then just listen.  It is interesting and sad to hear all the things that people believe.
        But now, I can ask a very simple question:  Have you ever heard about The Free Gift of God?  It is great when they say, “No. What is it.  Tell me about it.”  But they could say many other things.  Try to imagine loving them the way Jesus loves them.  You know the Truth which will decide their eternity.  Ask God to help you Share Jesus with them.

      7. After you listen to them ask: “If what you believe is not true, would you want to know?
        You can read how Bill Fay uses this question in his book Share Jesus Without Fear.

      9. Now it is time to go through the Scriptures.  Simply let the Holy Spirit do His work.  You’ll be amazed at the things that people say when they read these Scriptures out loud.  You will know that it does not say that.  So, ask them to “Read it again” until they see it.  A Jewish man went through the Scriptures with me.  We had plenty of time and I kept praying that we wouldn’t be interrupted.  I kept praying, “Lord Jesus, please help him receive You.”  Then, the miracle happened.  He looked at the distant skyline for a few moments and back at the Scriptures.  He then exclaimed with excitement, “I see it.  I see it.”

      11. Lead them in prayer but explain that they didn’t need special training to speak with their parents or friends.  Now they can confidently speak with God knowing that He hears them.  Let God be glorified for His work of salvation.  The Scriptures say that God chose us before the foundation of the world.  Show them the back of the card and have them read it out loud.


I explained once to a man that had just received Jesus Christ as his Savior, that he might have heard about the thief on the cross.  He was in the same spot as that thief on the cross was.  That thief couldn’t get down from that cross and go earn his salvation.  I told him, “You can’t get out of this hospital bed now and go work for this.  It is The Free Gift of God.”  He died a few days later.  All that he could do was to trust Jesus Christ for his eternity.  That's all that any of us can do.

"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Philippians 2:12-13 NIV

It is yet another paradox.  We would like to think that we can do the right works to earn or keep our salvation.  But, the works that we do for God are only possible because Jesus Christ is working through us.  To our Lord and Savior go all the glory for anything good that might be found in us.

Personally, I understand Amazing Grace, because in me there is nothing good.  I still don't know why God chose to save me.  The more I know of His everlasting Glory, the more I realize my sinfulness.  The apostle Paul, after he got saved, referred to himself as a sinner.  "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."  1 Timothy 1:15  He didn't write that he used to be a sinner. Even after all those years, he still considered himself a sinner. It is our human nature. I would argue with the apostle Paul that I'm the chief of sinners.  Imagine walking into God's presence right now clothed with our sinful nature.  Would it be better to be clothed with ALL our righteous acts? No. It wouldn't. Isaiah 64:6

Praise Him because He is "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."  Jeremiah 23:5 -- 6

I can trust that I'm eternally saved because Jesus Christ is "My Lord and my God!" John 20:28  If any part of my salvation depends on my performance, then there is no salvation for me. “Who then can be saved?” Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:26 -- 27. He chose to save us even though we don't deserve Him.  Amazing Grace.  Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever!


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