Information for New Believers

Firefighters for Christ, a group of firefighter volunteers, has been offering free Christian information for many years.  They have shipped countless CDs but now you can get it all online.  This includes recordings of the entire Bible, curated audio messages for new believers, and access to a comprehensive audio library with hundreds of titles—all available at no cost.

Over 40 years ago, when the Lord graciously saved me, I was introduced to Firefighters for Christ during Chuck Missler’s Monday night Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in California.  It would take me a long time to tell you about all the amazing things that you can learn about the Bible.  I’m still in a sense of awe as I learn more about the Word of God.  But the greatest joy is learning of His love for us.

When learning about the Word of God, you might want to do as the Bereans, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.”   Acts 17:11  NASB

Some of the subjects that you might enjoy are:
How to explain Jesus
If Jesus wasn’t God

John Ankerberg

How much would God have to love you to become a man and go to the cross to save you?  That is what Jesus Christ did for us.  Knowing everything about us; he still chose to save us from an eternity in hell.

Walk in the Spirit
Jack Abeelen

Would you tell a new born baby to get up on his own strength now and feed himself?  The Scriptures say that you were Born Again through the Spirit.  In the original Greek, we are told to “continually be being filled” with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18  We are born through the Spirit of God and we live our Christian lives through the Spirit of God.

The Promised Messiah
What must I do to be saved?
Ray Bentley

The plan of salvation through the Promised Messiah is found throughout the Scriptures.  You can rejoice in that the Word of God cannot be broken.  You need to be clear on what you must do to be saved; if you ever question your salvation, you must again trust God’s promise.

The Power of God’s Word
Loren Cunningham

God declares:
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose 
for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11 NIV

Because of our limited minds, we can spend a lifetime and not fully comprehend the Power of God’s Word.  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  John 1:1  To learn about the Word of God is to learn about Jesus Christ.  He is the Word.  He is God.

A Man of Sorrows  --  Book of Isaiah.  Chapter 53
David Hocking

I have witnessed the miracle when the Holy Spirit opens up the Scriptures to an unbeliever and they receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  Countless numbers of people have read Isaiah 53 in approximately 2,700 years.  When new believers that didn’t know anything about the Scriptures read it for the first time ever, I ask.  “Who is that?”  One said, “That’s the Lord.”  Another said, “That’s Jesus.”

Evidence For Your Faith
Josh McDowell

Many skeptics began their journey to heaven by carefully considering the evidence for the existence of God.  What is the evidence that God chose to become a Man and go to the cross?  Yes.  The Scriptures say that our faith is a gift from God, but He also gives the evidence for our faith.

Uniqueness of the Bible
Josh McDowell

As an atheist, I wouldn’t waste my time with the Bible.  By the Grace of God, I was introduced to the Bible through prophecy with 100% accuracy.  You will be amazed at the uniqueness of the Word of God.

The Rapture
Chuck Missler

Learn about this upcoming prophesied event.  Only God can possibly do something so amazing.   I have been waiting for this prophecy daily since I first got saved.  But, by the Grace of God, if I knew that it will happen tomorrow, I would ask the Lord to wait for more people to receive The Free Gift of God and be saved.

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”  Jeremiah 32:27  NIV

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