Discipleship Volunteer Signup

Step 1 of 2

You can help disciple New Believers through email, phone or even in person. We will provide the resources needed. Maybe you have never done this. I'ts okay. Simply let the Love of Christ that is in you guide you. You will be richly blessed because "you should remember the words of the Lord Jesus, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

In what other ways would you like to volunteer? We would love to get to know you and learn about your ideas to help our mission to bring The Free Gift Of God Today to more people around the world. Please connect with us and become a volunteer.  Create your profile here by filling out our simple form, confirm the e-mail that we send you and then you will be able to complete the rest of your volunteer profile. Tell us how we can work together for our Lord.

Please fill out all fields.



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